Happy New Year! 2013 in review, PT 2

When we left off, I was counting down my memorable moments of the year 2013, first half. In this episode of Bina’s Closet, we look at the second half, where posting was .. few and far between. July In July of this year, we moved house! I’m not a big fan of moving, and I really miss my little flat in PSC, but our home here is far bigger, and we managed to have a few good get-togethers! The number of outfit photos from this time is almost nil. So my favourite is .. the only one! This was just … Continue reading Happy New Year! 2013 in review, PT 2

3…2…1! 2013 in Review

Happy soon-to-be 2014! Since we missed the last quarter of the year (oops!), I give you a re-cap! My favourite moments, month by month. January This time last year, we headed out to New Brunswick to ring in the new year with some of my favourite folks, Mina and Don. We celebrated with cocktails, champagne, and Dungeons and Dragons. It was a blast! Favourite Outfit: For celebrating with my mom and her family, I sported a casual sweatpants dress, Julie’s sister’s handmade necklace, and curls. February Long, and cold, and full of February things, I ended it right by getting … Continue reading 3…2…1! 2013 in Review

Goodness, no posts since before my birthday. Well. Sorry. Happy Holidays, everybody! And, happy soon-to-be New Year! It’s been a busy couple of months! In September, I took a birthday trip to NYC (first time!) and did many fun things. October brought fall, November was Julie’s 31st, and the celebrations that came with (in New Brunswick!) and now we’re in December, and the Christmas festivities are just coming to a close. Hopefully, I’ll have time to show you all of what I’ve been up to in the days and weeks to come. In the new year, I hope to develop … Continue reading

Who’s down with OTT?

In May or June, we hit up our Nation’s Capital. We went to the Canal. We saw ducks. REALLY close up. And went to Parliament! It was pretty. Almost all of my photos of building feature sky, prominently. Look at us, all Canadian and whatnot! The Nature Museum. See? Sky. No outfit in this post, so I’ll tell you what J is wearing: Sunnies, Ray Ban, gift from me (we had a fight, and I felt bad. They came a month later, when we were no longer fighting.) Tee, Tristan, from his mom Jeans, Levis Shoes, VANS, super electric green … Continue reading Who’s down with OTT?


Here it is, you guys. The first photo in my new place. Okay, and it’s not a great outfit. I’m sorry. No, you know what? I was comfy, it WAS a great outfit! I did need a haircut though. That’s fair. Pants, hand-me-downs from Lauren. Tee, Old Navy Cardi, H&M Shoes, Payless CORDUROY PANTS are apparently the best thing since sliced bread and I have been avoiding them since eighth grade. I dread the zzht zzht zzht of a corduroy pant, and it turns out there’s no reason to. These are not quite silent, but I can’t really hear them, … Continue reading NEW

Hair Cut v1

We’re nearly caught up on old photos, guys. Here’s my haircute (typo, leaving it) from June! I love the feeling of newly cut hair. The freedom of noting on your neck is awesome. I have super, super fine hair as well, so whenever it gets long it tangles like crazy. Combing out the knots under the hair is not something I look forward to. When it’s short? Just muss, and go! Skirt, Simons Dress, worn as a tank, Joe Fresh Cardi, H&M Shoes, CROCS Scarf, gift from J’s parents, from Hawaii Purse, Trove find The little bow at the waist … Continue reading Hair Cut v1

trip to the sky

Earlier this month, J and I took off to Mount Washington, a place he’s always on about as lovely. Turns out, it really is! BEGIN PICSPAM We’re super cute. The Tip Top House was really neato! And it felt super cozy, since the outside was so very cold. I don’t even think these photos begin to do justice how beautiful the view is. It’s breathtaking, and not just because the air gets really thin up top. Speaking of up top, once you get up there it is SO COLD! Like, the bottom was 20 (C) and the top was 7! … Continue reading trip to the sky

I forgot about these pants…

More found photos! Red top, f21 Necklace, Hand made by J’s sister. (Amazing.) Pants, Old Navy Shoes, Aldo Now I super miss my hair! I got another CHOP on Friday, and am thrilled thrilled thrilled with the results. It is exactly the short cut I’ve always wanted. And you know the best part? Nearing the end, I wanted my bangs a fraction shorter, and had no fear in asking – Apple is the best, seriously. (www.unlistd.ca) But, looking back the long was pretty cute, too. A lot more work, but cute. I had a really nice weekend, this week! On … Continue reading I forgot about these pants…

Guess What!

I found more older photos! This means I don’t have to start thinking aboutnew ones! NO WAY! Ya, WAY! (I’ll think of new ones, soon. There’s only two more posts-worth of old 😀 ) Not to toot my own horn but DAAAAAAMN. I got all gussied up for our anniversary. I got my hair blown at Le StyleBar. They did great work with my at the time needing-a-cut hair. I was really pleased with it. I went to our date feeling fab, which is always a plus on your anniversary, right? Dress, H&M Shoes, Ardene, Hand painted with kitty ears … Continue reading Guess What!

Coming to the end of my backlog of photos! This dress is another one of my old standbys that pushes my chin up a little higher, makes me stand a little straighter, and puts a bit of the spring in my step. Shoes, Cardi, Dress, H&M Tights, F21 Necklace, gift from Shiovawn Seeing all these H&M items together makes me think about just how reliant I was on fast-fashion to build my wardrobe. Swtiching to Canadian made items has been challenging, but I find it makes me think a lot harder about what I really need to buy (versus just … Continue reading