We’re super cute.
The Tip Top House was really neato! And it felt super cozy, since the outside was so very cold.
I don’t even think these photos begin to do justice how beautiful the view is. It’s breathtaking, and not just because the air gets really thin up top.
Speaking of up top, once you get up there it is SO COLD! Like, the bottom was 20 (C) and the top was 7! I brought a cardigan thinking it would be chilly, but Julie was wicked smart and brought our winter coats. THEY WERE NEEDED.
We had lunch at J’s Corner, which had the most likelihood based on the other options of feeding me food that wasn’t poison.
TOTALLY NOT POISON, Y’ALL. America is great like that, you can walk in anywhere and go “Gluten Intolerant” and they’re like “Yeah, we fix you up. No worries”. Here it’s all “Ummmm.. salad?” except in a few places. I had pork chops with apple cinnamon and fries. It was far, far too much food, but super good. I ate both pork chops, and they were not small. Mostly I was excited that I could eat them!
So that was our most recent little daytrip. It was a good time! We listened to the CD on the way up, all about the history of the mountain and whatnot, and it was really interesting. It also made me want to spend even more time outdoors, which I think happens as you age. You get like all “MEh, internet will be there later, let’s go explore!” and I’m digging it.