Hair Cut v1

We’re nearly caught up on old photos, guys. Here’s my haircute (typo, leaving it) from June!


I love the feeling of newly cut hair. The freedom of noting on your neck is awesome. I have super, super fine hair as well, so whenever it gets long it tangles like crazy. Combing out the knots under the hair is not something I look forward to. When it’s short? Just muss, and go!


Skirt, Simons
Dress, worn as a tank, Joe Fresh
Cardi, H&M
Shoes, CROCS
Scarf, gift from J’s parents, from Hawaii
Purse, Trove find


The little bow at the waist of this skirt makes me so happy. What is it about little bows?

Also something I’ve noticed while poring over photos of myself day in and day out – I look a lot happier in these than I have in the past. Maybe I feel more natural with my awesome photographer / boyfriend, but I like to think it’s just that I am happier.

Also I can make my cats wear wigs.

2013-07-21_Phone 082

She likes it.

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