I forgot about these pants…

More found photos!

Red top, f21
Necklace, Hand made by J’s sister. (Amazing.)
Pants, Old Navy
Shoes, Aldo


Now I super miss my hair! I got another CHOP on Friday, and am thrilled thrilled thrilled with the results. It is exactly the short cut I’ve always wanted. And you know the best part? Nearing the end, I wanted my bangs a fraction shorter, and had no fear in asking – Apple is the best, seriously. (www.unlistd.ca)

But, looking back the long was pretty cute, too. A lot more work, but cute.

I had a really nice weekend, this week! On Friday, I got my haircut, then had a visit with Aaron for the first time in probably three weeks (ignorer.). We finished watching Alien: Resurrection which started out really good, and ended up in a very different place. Like halfway through someone went “THIS NEEDS MORE ACTION!” so they added more action, but didn’t really think about how or why to do that. Then we watched HP7-2, again, which made me question how I feel about Dumbledore. Like, he’s just a manipulative jerk, maybe. He totally could’ve rounded up all the Horcruxes instead of waiting for Harry to do it when the Dark Lord returned, you know?

Then on Saturday Jules and I hit the Botanical Gardens for some looking-at-flowers. The Gardens are really nice, it was very peaceful, and a lovely day to sit about in the sun looking at things. We made super duper tacos for dins, and then drove out to Lac des Seize Iles to gaze at stars. I brilliantly brought along hot chocolate, and Julie extra brilliantly, brought my winter coat. It may be the middle of August, but at the Lake it’s Cold. Then I passed out in the car, while he struggled with various highway closings 😀

Today, I’m up at Aaron’s office learning the ins and outs of Objects. I managed to successfully send him a Request, huzzah! That’s all that’s new. Coming up this week: kayaking, dins at Cartel, Basket Pickups, and Family Birthday, to kick off the Birthweek.

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ALL THREE CATS are doing super well, and cute. Tattles is on diet food, and doesn’t seem to be losing any weight at all, but otherwise they’re doing great. The new apartment agrees with them.

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