Black on one side, white on the other.

This outfit is all about my tights. They definitely remind me of Let That be Your Last Battlefield. I’ve been searching for them for ages, since I saw a similar pair for Chanel, I think last spring. These are DKNY, and they are fabulous. Tights, DKNY Skirt, H&M Blouse, Reitmans Cardi, H&M Shoes, Old Navy Necklace, Zellers Speaking of Zellers! They’re liquidating hard. Last time I was at the Alexis Nihon branch, there were toys and such for 90% off. I got some hairdye, and a few things I “needed” but didn’t go overboard, sadly. If they’re still open I … Continue reading Black on one side, white on the other.

Always a Bridesmaid

Have you ever re-worn your bridesmaid dresses? I’m glad Mina was so lax in her dress rules, because the frocks I picked up are all super wearable. Bright, but wearable. I think our array of greens looks absolutely lovely. Dress, (sized) Tights, Merona Boots, Enzo Angiolini (if anyone with slimmer calves wants these, I replaced them, I cannot wear them.) Blouse, from that store.. what’s it called.. it’s a chain, there’s one on Mont Royal and one in LaSalle? Oh, I don’t know. Cat, Kisses. The kitties often come to visit during our .. photo-shoots. Photoshoots sounds wrong, implies … Continue reading Always a Bridesmaid

Casual Friday.

Hi! I’m working on getting my posts all queued up. I have many outfits for you, and my December Top and Glymm boxes. I’ve been busy like crazy! Working is tiring, boy howdy! I go to bed at like nine o’clock. I know, I know. Other things include: – The final Twilight movie. – christmas shopping (still not done!) – prepping for having christmas dinner at my house (!) Okay, that doesn’t look like that much. Also, I’m learning the French. Ish. I’m watching a TV show in French? Engrenages (Spiral), on Netflix. It’s super good, check it out. Jeans, … Continue reading Casual Friday.


It’s not that easy bein’ green Having to spend each day the color of the leaves When I think it could be nicer being red or yellow or gold Or something much more colorful like that Kermit may not think it’s easy, but I love being green, lately. Trousers, Attitude by Jay Manuel at Sears Blouse, Reitmans Shoes, Old Navy Necklace, Trove Cardi, Jacob Watch, vintage Swatch Catbutt! I felt pretty great in this outfit. I’m surprised by how much I enjoy the pants, and the colour of the blouse really makes me feel good. Bright, kelly green is definitely … Continue reading Green!

First Day

So, I mentioned, I have new employment. I know you want to know what I wore on my first day. Three weeks ago. Yeah, I know. Sorry! Dress, H&M Tights, Aldo Shoes, Target (clearance, $4.77, seriously!) Cardi, Jacob Necklace, Trove Watch, G-Shock I fell in love with these shoes because of the sole. Look at it! They’re dreadfully uncomfortable, though. I think at some point they will stretch, but at the moment I got home and took my shoes off my feet were basically shouting at me. I may have had blisters, it was awful. (And I was sitting most … Continue reading First Day


I’ve not posted in a few weeks, and that’s because I’ve been reasonably busy! I took a trip down to Salem, to see some witches – saw no witches. Christmas shopping, family business, and new work! It’s really quite exciting, and I’m enjoying it quite a bit. Julie’s editing right now, so I should have content for you shortly. Sorry! Continue reading Oops!

November Julep: Classic With a Twist

November’s Julep box was all about the awesome suede finish! I forgot that this was coming, so it was a great little surprise treat in the mail this week! Brit is a ‘Graphite silver suede’, looks like it will go well with pretty much everything, and for once is not a dupe of anything in my (extensive) collection. Very exciting. Minka is a ‘Copper red suede’, and is absolutely gorgeous. I have a single coppery polish and I wear it often, a suede version will be a welcome addition. Pink Body Frosting Body Butter with Shea smells AMAZING. It’s super … Continue reading November Julep: Classic With a Twist


This outfit is rather plain, but at least I am dressed! Leggings, American Apparel Dress, Zellers Cardi, Jacob Rings (4), Trove I was pretty comfortable, not going to lie. We went to celebrate Julie’s 30th birthday with his family, and it was an awesome day. We made sushi! Like, from scratch! It made me terribly sick, probably because I ventured to eat the miso soup which came from a packet. No obvious glutengredients, but them’s the breaks, sometimes powder just isn’t for me, I guess. This was a pretty goofy photo session. Julie was playing with his new flash, and … Continue reading Goofballs.


It’s been quiet here, hasn’t it! Sorry! I haven’t been super creative on the outfit front, and all the photos taken lately are of cats. See? This is Fattles, she is adorable. She sleeps a lot and is slightly overweight. Slightly. She’s very happy and cute and loves to lick things. Vex. For the last little while she has been 100% cone free! She’s doing swimmingly. Possibly because… Julie built them a cat-tree! It goes all the way to the ceiling and has many, many levels. It’s super cool. They love to scritch on the raw wood bark, which we … Continue reading Quiet

A recipe post.

It’s definitely fall outside. The tree in front of my window has hardly any leaves left, and the breeze coming in is decidedly chilly. While hunting through the freezer on the weekend looking at what we need I came across a bag of bananas! When my bananas go off, I mash ’em up and jam them in there for when I need banana bread. Unfortunately, there wasn’t quite enough for a normal loaf (my recipe calls for like 6 bananas, and there was probably two in the bag). So a few tweaks, some e-search, and I came up with these: … Continue reading A recipe post.