
It’s been quiet here, hasn’t it! Sorry! I haven’t been super creative on the outfit front, and all the photos taken lately are of cats. See?

This is Fattles, she is adorable. She sleeps a lot and is slightly overweight. Slightly. She’s very happy and cute and loves to lick things.

Vex. For the last little while she has been 100% cone free! She’s doing swimmingly.

Possibly because…

Julie built them a cat-tree! It goes all the way to the ceiling and has many, many levels. It’s super cool. They love to scritch on the raw wood bark, which we discovered when they shredded the edges of J’s hutch. 😀

Kisses has also been doing good. She doesn’t sleep, or at least doesn’t get photographed sleeping, for some reason. That reason may be that she is constantly disturbed by her kids…

Tee hee hee!

What else have I been up to?

I managed to get my nice shoes on the walls! Don’t they look lovely? It makes me happy to look at them. I can see what I own! (Or, at least, some of it!) Boots do not look pretty on the walls, nor do sandals, so the sandals are tucked away until next summer and the boots are at the ready in my dress-closet, along with my lesser-worn flats and sneakers. I love love love love it! Need to figure out something to do with all my handbags, next!

Outfit post coming soon, promise.

3 thoughts on “Quiet

  1. Awesome! Love (!!!) the cat tree, love the pictures of the kitties (esp the last one – hehe), and OMGSOFREAKINGCOOL on your show display! That’s awesomely awesome! I wish I was more articulate to describe how cool I think that is. You don’t need colorful handbags to display, you have colorful shoes! 😀

    MOAR pics I can haz of cat tree? That is such a great idea! I want to see it in full (to the ceiling), with kitties on it! Also, you should put it on Pinterest. The interwebs will eat it up. : )

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