A recipe post.

It’s definitely fall outside. The tree in front of my window has hardly any leaves left, and the breeze coming in is decidedly chilly. While hunting through the freezer on the weekend looking at what we need I came across a bag of bananas! When my bananas go off, I mash ’em up and jam them in there for when I need banana bread.

Unfortunately, there wasn’t quite enough for a normal loaf (my recipe calls for like 6 bananas, and there was probably two in the bag). So a few tweaks, some e-search, and I came up with these:

Banana Blondies.

The crumb is super moist, they’re not too sweet, but sweeter than banana bread. I may make these in place of it from now on!

It was…

3/4 c. sugar
1 c. gluten-free flour (I used Bob’s Red Mill All Purpose Gluten-Free Flour)
1/2 c. greek yoghurt
1/4 c. margerine
1 egg
~1/3 c. mashed bananas
1 t. rhum
1/2 t. baking soda
1/2 t. salt

As with most recipes, mix the wet ingredients, then the dry, then combine. Baked at 375F for ~30 minutes.

Super Yummers.

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