
I searched high and low for a peplum belt and when I finally found it I wore it twice. Dress, Zellers Peplum Belt, Addition-Elle Cardi, Joe Fresh Leggins, American Apparel Socks, Julie’s. I actually find the peplum belt quite hard to wear. It doesn’t go all the way around, so if you wear it front-facing, it creates a sort of “HEY LOOK IN THIS GAP! ITS MY CROTCH!” so you have to wear it backwards, and can really only do that if the meeting of your top and bottom are covered by the belt, which never happens unless you tape … Continue reading Peplum

This sweater-dress-tights combo makes me feel somehow tall, so I wore it a lot. It’s also the perfect layers for the temperature at the time. Dress, Target Leggings, American Apparel Cardi, F21 Necklace, gift from Lauren’s parents, formerly her grandmother’s Scarf, gift from Julie’s parents, from their trip to Hawaii Rain Booties, Winners Necklace #2 (under scarf), friendship necklace with Mina & Lauren I find it pretty neato that even though I physically go through very few changes, different outfits make me feel taller, thinner, more bangin’. What else is going on? Let’s see. My CSA this year is super … Continue reading


I find these outfits uninspiring… So I’m lumping them into one post. GAP Pants Old Navy Tee Jacob Cardi Keds Shoes Old navy jeans Joe Fresh Cardi La Vie En Rose Tee Betsey Johnson Kitty Necklace (Maybe a Knockoff, don’t care) Adidas This may be what I wore Karting! I know I wore those shoes. This week has been somewhat blah for me. I accidentally glutened myself last week, and spent the next few days feeling absolutely horrific. Imagine a terrible hangover that lasts for 4 days. That was me. So I schlubbed about, slept, complained, was generally unpleasant. I’m … Continue reading Bleh


My kitty cats are among my favourite folk. They snuggle me, and we talk to each other (“Hi kitty, how was your day?” “Meow?” .. and so on), and nearly always when I’ve had a bad day one of them will come see me all, ‘Sup. I need pets.’, and make me forget why it was so bad. They also make taking photographs really hard. With three little bugs running around, someone’s butt is always in the photo. They love to be around us, so come running to wherever we are, just to see what’s up, so they can go … Continue reading Kitties!

Scheduled posts brought to you by: Patio

It’s July, and I’ve got my first patio set. I’m sat outside, in the sunshine, with a pamplemousse water and my laptop, and it is awesome. Also awesome? Sequins. Sequin skirt, Target Tee, Urban Outfitters Cardi, Joe Fresh Necklace, F21 Tights, We Love Colours Rain Booties, Winners This is a weekend outfit, I think we went to AMERICA for the day and drove around Lake Champlain. I may have taken a Ferry for the first time ever. Ferries are super cool, y’all. Have you ever been on a ferry? It’s like a boat but you drive onto it. I love … Continue reading Scheduled posts brought to you by: Patio

Another Birthday

Last time, on Bina’s Closet…. Yesterday, we celebrated (I say we, did you, Internet?) my sister’s 26th birthday. Today, in Birthdays of the not-so-rich or famous, we celebrate one of my bestest buds, Sir AyCam the Wise. Mr Cameron hates birthdays, and shout-outs, and attention, so I’ll do my well-best to keep this short. Were I to do this “My Way” we’d chronicle our friendship in photos. I love photos. Ay-ron on the other hand? Not so much. So, you’ll have to trust that I have some awesome ones where we are clearly having Fun. Since he also hates presents … Continue reading Another Birthday

Further Adventures in Dancing

Or.. Dancing with the Sabs, on ABC. I dance a lot when I think I’m not being observed. In Canadian Tire if there’s a jazzy little number, you can be sure to find me bopping away in the small electros aisle. I don’t know when this happened to me, exactly, but at some age it became acceptable to bust a move in public places. I guess I’m pretty sure no one is going to judge – and if they do? Nuts to them, I’m having a grand ole time. Dress, tucked in as a skirt, Target Tee, Old Navy Tights, … Continue reading Further Adventures in Dancing


As I write this, it’s a balmy twenty-seven degrees, and I’m taking a break from unpacking. Unpacking is hard, y’all. When these were taken, it was most assuredly NOT twenty-seven degrees. We’re probably looking at around ten, here. First, LIPSTICK is MAC’s Candy Yum-Yum, and it is spectacular. It’s totally in-your-face pink, and it maaaybe makes my skin look a bit yellow when I’m pale. Definitely a summer colour, though. Super pleased with this purchase. Skirt, thrifted Tank, Republique Cardi, Target Shoes, old Navy Brooch – green, from that little shop on Mont-Royal, with the exquisite dresses, whose name I … Continue reading Dots.


Work wear. I’m not super great at it. My proportions are such that dress shirts and tailored items don’t quite fit off-the-rack, and I don’t have a tailor. I’ve always been a bit of a cheapskate, so buying finer pieces is something that I’m only now coming around to the idea of. I did, however, buy “nice” pants. At the Gap, on clearance, for like $14. They’re too long, okay? I know! I’m very short. Pants, GAP Tee, Old Navy Cardigan, Joe Fresh Shoes, Ardene, with little eyelashes painted on by me Necklace, Friendship necklace with Mina & Lauren being … Continue reading Boop-boop.