This sweater-dress-tights combo makes me feel somehow tall, so I wore it a lot.
It’s also the perfect layers for the temperature at the time.


Dress, Target
Leggings, American Apparel
Cardi, F21
Necklace, gift from Lauren’s parents, formerly her grandmother’s
Scarf, gift from Julie’s parents, from their trip to Hawaii
Rain Booties, Winners
Necklace #2 (under scarf), friendship necklace with Mina & Lauren


I find it pretty neato that even though I physically go through very few changes, different outfits make me feel taller, thinner, more bangin’.


What else is going on? Let’s see. My CSA this year is super great! Lauren forwarded me a link to McGill’s Farmer’s Market this winter, and I signed up even though my last CSA wasn’t great, because I really do like the idea. Hoping it’d be more varied, better quality, better cleaned veg, and boy-howdy was it! So far, I’ve been thrilled.
There are a tonne of cucumbers, not gonna lie. Even with the half-sized basket, this week’s haul included 4 cukes. A previous week had eight. Eight! No one can eat that many cucumbers. I pickled them.

You all know about my Run for the Cure fundraising, so that’s good. We’re slowly populating the yard with plants and chairs and cushions, it is becoming super comfy. I expect it will be complete just in time for snow! 🙂

My thirtieth birthday is rapidly approaching. At the end of the month we’ll be celebrating with dins at Machiavelli on Friday, a BBQ at home on Saturday, and brunch on Sunday. I’m excited.

One thought on “

  1. EIGHT CUCUMBERS?! That’s a lot of cucumber. Glad you’re liking your new CSA! Wish we were getting more full-sized tomatoes in ours this year (only one so far). We got a purple pepper last week though! That was cool, and weird, but cool.

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