Dress, Zellers
Peplum Belt, Addition-Elle
Cardi, Joe Fresh
Leggins, American Apparel
Socks, Julie’s.
I actually find the peplum belt quite hard to wear. It doesn’t go all the way around, so if you wear it front-facing, it creates a sort of “HEY LOOK IN THIS GAP! ITS MY CROTCH!” so you have to wear it backwards, and can really only do that if the meeting of your top and bottom are covered by the belt, which never happens unless you tape them down or something. So, seldom worn peplum belt. That I searched and searched for. Maybe this is why they’re not super common!
Goofy faces.
I’ve had a great weekend, this week. Shiv’s birthday party was absolutely ace! We went to the ecomuseum, to see the eagles and the otters and the bears and the porcupines and the raccoons! There were some very cute animals, and some less cute animals. The wolves were straight-up majestic. They moved with incredible grace, it was really neato.
Following that, we went to Duke & Devine’s Irish Pub for dins, where the heat of the cayenne on my filet mignon surprised and delighted me. I didn’t get to have a deep-fried-mars-bar, but maybe I can try that at home one of these days.
After dins, we retired to Shiv & Brian’s home for boardgames! I absolutely love board games, y’all. It was a fantastic time.
Today, I’m taking it easy, laying out on our new cushioned Adirondacks – gifted to us by Jules’ sister, and oh-so-comfy. We had his family round for dinner on Friday evening and it went well! I was tremendously nervous, having never cooked for his family before. They’re French From France, and therefore eat naught but decadent treats of ducks and foie gras*. Overall, I was pleased by my offering of pork chops with a fennel and apple compote, chilled potato salad with dill oil, and grilled CSA yellow beans with a garlic glaze. Dessert of gluten-free brownies, and strawberry basil puree was definitely a hit.
This month is full of things to look forward to, too! Tonight, we’re going to try to check out the perseids, later in the week, the Butchers’ will come round for a small BBQ, I get a haircut on Friday, Saturday my mother will be round for more BBQing. Next week, my family birthday party will be a Victorian Tea party (how awesome does that sound?). And the week after? I turn 30! It should be fun.
*They probably very seldom eat ducks and foie gras.
Sounds like an awesome weekend. I like that we are the Butchers, aside from serial killer like connotations. 🙂 Maybe I can convince Mike that we go in for a joint, legal name change once we get hitched.
Sweet cushioned Adirondacks! Love the pattern!
Your menu sounded yum, and your food is always yum, so I’m sure they loved it all. 🙂
Sounds like lots of nice events to come! Victorian Tea Party sounds pretty darn cool.
(Laur and Mike should totally go by the Butchers. *nod*)