Another Birthday

Last time, on Bina’s Closet….

Yesterday, we celebrated (I say we, did you, Internet?) my sister’s 26th birthday. Today, in Birthdays of the not-so-rich or famous, we celebrate one of my bestest buds, Sir AyCam the Wise.

Mr Cameron hates birthdays, and shout-outs, and attention, so I’ll do my well-best to keep this short. Were I to do this “My Way” we’d chronicle our friendship in photos. I love photos. Ay-ron on the other hand? Not so much. So, you’ll have to trust that I have some awesome ones where we are clearly having Fun.

Since he also hates presents (WHAT? I know, right? Who hates presents?) I’m actually following his wishes and not getting him anything except a fantastic card that I really hope he enjoys, and this here, List of Things I Learned from Aaron:

10./ MySQL: The learning of which was made easier, and even fun, through his teaching.
09./ That videogames are so much easier when the camera is reversed.
08./ To always watch the extras in a fight scene – always watch the background characters in general. The magic happens there.
07./ A bunch of really awesome curses. Tip: if you want to swear really well, tack a number on there. Watch: “Seventeen jerkmonkeys!” It is a fantastic expletive.
06./ That things going on in the world around me are important, and worth knowing about.
05./ A good argument, with a good arguer, can be really fun.
04./ Distraction techniques for sad days: Buffy, Twilight, a day at the cinema, a call to Lauren; these can really turn around my mood.
03./ Greater understanding of compassion, and empathy.
02./ To enjoy the silly! There will always be good and bad, and to remember the Good when the Bad comes a-knockin’.

and the most important?

01./ I am Loved. I am special. I am worthwile.

Aaron, 1. You better be reading my internet website. If I have to tell you about this post, you’re a jerko. 2. Thanks for being a friend. You’re super great. 3. Happy birthday! I hope no one else mentions it, or even thinks about it.

One thought on “Another Birthday

  1. This might be the sweetest thing anyone has ever said, even in proximity to me.

    Was worth every cent. 😀

    Love you, kiddo.

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