Yesterday, we celebrated (I say we, did you, Internet?) my sister’s 26th birthday. Today, in Birthdays of the not-so-rich or famous, we celebrate one of my bestest buds, Sir AyCam the Wise.
Mr Cameron hates birthdays, and shout-outs, and attention, so I’ll do my well-best to keep this short. Were I to do this “My Way” we’d chronicle our friendship in photos. I love photos. Ay-ron on the other hand? Not so much. So, you’ll have to trust that I have some awesome ones where we are clearly having Fun.
Since he also hates presents (WHAT? I know, right? Who hates presents?) I’m actually following his wishes and not getting him anything except a fantastic card that I really hope he enjoys, and this here, List of Things I Learned from Aaron:
10./ MySQL: The learning of which was made easier, and even fun, through his teaching.
09./ That videogames are so much easier when the camera is reversed.
08./ To always watch the extras in a fight scene – always watch the background characters in general. The magic happens there.
07./ A bunch of really awesome curses. Tip: if you want to swear really well, tack a number on there. Watch: “Seventeen jerkmonkeys!” It is a fantastic expletive.
06./ That things going on in the world around me are important, and worth knowing about.
05./ A good argument, with a good arguer, can be really fun.
04./ Distraction techniques for sad days: Buffy, Twilight, a day at the cinema, a call to Lauren; these can really turn around my mood.
03./ Greater understanding of compassion, and empathy.
02./ To enjoy the silly! There will always be good and bad, and to remember the Good when the Bad comes a-knockin’.
and the most important?
01./ I am Loved. I am special. I am worthwile.
Aaron, 1. You better be reading my internet website. If I have to tell you about this post, you’re a jerko. 2. Thanks for being a friend. You’re super great. 3. Happy birthday! I hope no one else mentions it, or even thinks about it.
This might be the sweetest thing anyone has ever said, even in proximity to me.
Was worth every cent. 😀
Love you, kiddo.