Going through this shoe exercise has really made me appreciate my wardrobe again!
These are Rocket Dog and I got them in 2009-ish. They’re massively comfy, I don’t even think I used my emergency shoes. Yes, throughout this process I have emergency shoes that I wear when the selected shoe of the day lets me down.
The dress was a hand-me-down from Lauren and I forget about it. I shouldn’t though, it fits really well! I knew when I saw the shoes that I was going head-to-toe polka dot.
It’s my birthmonth, you know. So Julien spoils me randomly with things that he’d probably do anyway, but labels it a birthmonth treat. This was a birthmonth treat to myself, a lovely breakfast spread because we ran out of eggs and oatmeal and had to improvise. It was so good I’ll probably improvise it again 🙂