Dress, Target
Brooch, Trove
Tights, TJ Maxx
Shoes, Steve Madden
Watch, Miss 60
Glasses, still present
Moments after I accidentally kicked* Kisses right in the face. I felt so bad! She ignored me for several days, so I expect she was really unimpressed with the incident. She is always underfoot, or on your lap. She is a delightful little kitty.
She wasn’t so injured as to stay away, of course.
I never made it out to Nuit Blanche on Saturday. Instead, I took a good, long sleep. Sleeps are good. Better than sidewalk related cold, anyhow! Instead of outside cold, Lauren and I hit Machiavelli for brunch on Sunday. Have I told you about Machiavelli? No? Oh, I must! It’s amazing. I have photos on my phone. Stay tuned!
*No harm came to the kitty.