
This is one of my favourite dressy dresses that still feels businessy. My other favourite dressy dresses are probably too fancy for the office, sadly. Maybe I’ll give them a whirl in the summertime, with some nice flats. Until then, my favourite dressy dress that still feels businessy is….


Dress, Target
Brooch, Trove
Tights, TJ Maxx
Shoes, Steve Madden
Watch, Miss 60
Glasses, still present

Moments after I accidentally kicked* Kisses right in the face. I felt so bad! She ignored me for several days, so I expect she was really unimpressed with the incident. She is always underfoot, or on your lap. She is a delightful little kitty.

She wasn’t so injured as to stay away, of course.

I never made it out to Nuit Blanche on Saturday. Instead, I took a good, long sleep. Sleeps are good. Better than sidewalk related cold, anyhow! Instead of outside cold, Lauren and I hit Machiavelli for brunch on Sunday. Have I told you about Machiavelli? No? Oh, I must! It’s amazing. I have photos on my phone. Stay tuned!
*No harm came to the kitty.

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