
If you follow my twitter you’ll know, but my Big News was that I got laser eye surgery!
I still have a bunch of posts with glasses queued up, so don’t worry, you’ll get to see my normal mug for a while yet. I must say, it feels very strange to wake up and see things. My vision isn’t perfect yet, but it’s pretty amazing. on par with how I see in contact lenses, and it’s only been a few days of healing.

I have planned for you a look at all my glasses, but first…


Tee, Old Navy
Pants, Old Navy
Socks, mysteriously appeared in the wash – if you’re ever looking for your lost socks, I bet they materialize in my house.
Brooches, via swap

This shirt of course fits me lovely-y, and is a great colour, and as a result was ruined by my superhot dryer. Some kind of crud got baked in just below the bust. My local ON no longer has this cut, so I replaced it with a yellow v-neck, but I may buy it online in all the colours just because I liked it so much.

Nothing much else to report. Heading out to the Nuit Blanche celebrations tonight, very excited to see what’s going down at the McCord Museum, and a few other spots. It’s always a good time, freezing your buns off in the Quartier Des Spectacles – even if I will be wearing protective sunglasses at night!

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