In which I make you look at my food and my silly faces

None of these photos are flattering, but that’s okay. It’s just the Internet, right? And it’s not like I’m BeyoncĂ© or anything. (I’m so totally up on my celebrity gossip!) Here we have my dancing face again. Why do I allow this to continue? I don’t know. I don’t know. Dress, Reitmans Sweater, H&M Sweater Guard, Trove Brooch, Kensington Market Watch, boy’s G-Shock Belt, from a thrifted dress Tights, Target Necklace, made by Mina This one is approaching acceptable. At least my face is halfway presentable. These were the pick of the litter by the way, I kid you not. … Continue reading In which I make you look at my food and my silly faces


This is usually how out cat-encounters go… I wait patiently for Julie to get his stuff ready. The cat approaches. I notice the cat. Slowly, I sneak down to her position. And scoop her up! THE CUDDLE BEGINS. She protests and goes away. I protest as well. Pants, Target Cardi, H&M Tank, Republique Sweater Guard, Trove Wrinkles, bad dryer Things I need to sort out: Get rid of the frikkin’ ethernet cable. There’s a 50 foot cable running from the front room to the bedroom, where my computer lives. The front room has the only functioning phone outlet, and is … Continue reading Progression

Final Christmas Post (February 9th. I’m behind.)

I believe this was my last Christmas celebration! Everything goes a bit long with me. Birthweek, Christmonth. It’s all about extending the celebrations and nothing to do with presents, I assure you. Kisses still is intrigued by our hallway gatherings. She’s really sweet, and tolerates it every time I give her a snugglin’. We did this at the end of the night, so my hair had become slightly messy, but I think it looks great! If I had patience, and time, and the ability to get up in the morning, I would totally curl it often, and straighten it often, … Continue reading Final Christmas Post (February 9th. I’m behind.)

Christmas, Casual, and C-Other things.

Probably a casual Friday outfit. I look pretty casual. Jeans, Joe Fresh Tee,Old Navy Cardi, Zellers Earrings & Necklace, Mina & Don’s wedding I find a business casual environment quite restricting. I’m never sure what is or is not casual. Obviously, I wouldn’t do bikini-top and cutoffs, but some of my dresses are quite dressy, and I can’t decide if that’s appropriate or not. So, of late, my uniform has been: pants, top, cardigan, sensible shoes. I’m trying to add interest with my baubles, but mostly I feel discouraged, style-wise. I do like what a b-cas wardrobe creates, though. That … Continue reading Christmas, Casual, and C-Other things.

Cat photos, and a post. Mostly cats, though.

This is the longest my hair has been since high school, pretty sure. Pants, Attitude by Jay Manuel for Sears Shoes, H&M Cardi, Joe Fresh Necklace, F21 Tee, vintage I mentioned the cats visit every time we do picturetime? They do. This is that happening. I don’t know why they do it. They know I’m going to harass them in this way. It must be awful for them. She looks miserable. MISERABLE. Yet, she stays. She’s not the brightest knife in the drawer. She is the sweetest, though. CAT PILE! What’s new in life, folks? For me, it is February. … Continue reading Cat photos, and a post. Mostly cats, though.


Okay, so I may have said nothing in the shops tickled me. I was wrong. This Ah-Maze-Ing skirt was on super clearance at Target for $4.94! Can you imagine?! There’s no flaw that I can see. It’s delightful. Skirt, Target Sweater, F21 Tights, We Love Colours Watch, G-Shock Necklace, MosaicPlanet, by Mina (buy the seasonal trees, before I do!) Boots, Payless The only thing that could go with this bright, flashy, sequin zig-zag number was my WLC tights. I couldn’t decide between yellow and lavendar, but I’ll show you the yellow soon enough, I’m sure. This skirt has been my … Continue reading Sparkle!

Red Dress

I quite like this little dress Dress, thrifted Boots, Payless Tights, Merona Necklace, Bridesmaid gift from Glor’s wedding Cat. She looks vaguely like she’s begging for help. She’s fine. She likes it. SHE DOES. The cats often seem to wander down to see what we’re up to during phototime. Which has been less often of late, oops! I’m quite exhausted when I arrive home, sadly, so it’s mostly: home. jammies. tea. bed. No time for pictures – and very little inspiration! I’ve even gone to the shops and nothing tickles me. Winter has me down, I suppose. Continue reading Red Dress

January Boxes!

Are these January? They might be December. Ah, well. She looks pretty disapproving of me not knowing. 1. TOPBOX Not so top. Small. Quite small. Oh! This must be December because I took the cleanser to New Brunswick and forgot it. Cleanser – Straightener Thingie – Chloe Perfume – Bronzer powder All products very good. 2. GLYMM Meh. Eyelashes – Lash Serum – Eye Liner – Coupons The lashes are very OTT. The liner is smudgey and runny and by midday is all the way down your face. The serum, I’m pretty sure, works. I did a week of one … Continue reading January Boxes!