Red Dress

I quite like this little dress


Dress, thrifted
Boots, Payless
Tights, Merona
Necklace, Bridesmaid gift from Glor’s wedding


Cat. She looks vaguely like she’s begging for help. She’s fine. She likes it. SHE DOES.

The cats often seem to wander down to see what we’re up to during phototime. Which has been less often of late, oops! I’m quite exhausted when I arrive home, sadly, so it’s mostly: home. jammies. tea. bed. No time for pictures – and very little inspiration! I’ve even gone to the shops and nothing tickles me. Winter has me down, I suppose.

One thought on “Red Dress

  1. Kisses loves it. 🙂 Also, *hug* for winter downness. Do not fret! Soon it will be time for spring dresses! It was 8 degrees here today. *nod*

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