wear: Saturday

I had a great, great day today with Lauren. We got our photos done by Mary Jane in support of her Movember mission to do portraits and such. It was super fun, I finally got to have a coffee at Cafe Shaika, having walked past it hundreds of time and never stopping due to being ferret-laden, and by golly wow was it good coffee. The baristas were super sweet as well. Following that, Laury and I headed to the S.A, where I snapped up an adorbz wicker purse, and a stocking for my nephew which I’ll embellish with his name, … Continue reading wear: Saturday

wear: Wednesday

This is an outfit I dreamt up in the last hour of the night last night while watching the Report. I bought myself a mannequin and had this necklace on it, and thought “I really need to wear that”. The skirt had been left on from a previous photograph, and I thought, “Why not!” I had intended to wear it with the black F21 lace-collared tee I have, but I couldn’t find that one this morning so I threw this on instead, and I think it works. This collar, I love it. Skirt, H&M Top, Zellers Cardi, F21 Boots, Payless … Continue reading wear: Wednesday

wear: Tuesday

I love this shirt, but I have no idea how I’m meant to wash it, so I wear it sparingly. The collar is feathered and bejeweled and it’s basically fabulous – and stretchy tee material so hi, comfortable. Given how ostentatious the neckline is, I went otherwise adornmentless. I’m really not happy with how this outfit came together, even though it looked fab in my head. My tum seems a bit too rounded, and the waist of the skirt is such that it rides up and the back of the skirt becomes much, much too short, so I have to … Continue reading wear: Tuesday

wear: Friday

It’s Friday!!! I’m so glad it’s the weekend. ALSO, the more I look at my hair the more I love it. I’ve slept on it now a few times and I don’t need to do anything to it, it’s just adorable. Dress, Zellers Vest, Simon’s Socks, F21 Bracelets, appeared in my jewellery box when I was a teenager, this is my first time wearing them, ever Sweater Guard, Lady Jane Shoes, Payless Continue reading wear: Friday

Thursday already! Finally! I wanted pants, and these are the ones I know fit me, so it was a jeans day today. I really need to get some flattering pants that are comfy and fit. And make me look tall. Is that possible? I absolutely adore this capelet, it is one of my favourite things. My friend made it for me for Christmas last year, can you believe that? People. So talented sometimes. I am jealous of them. I’m also wearing Mina’s pendant (http://www.etsy.com/shop/mosaicplanet) again. Jeans, Joe Fresh Top, Joe Fresh Capelet, handmade necklace, handmade bracelet, Spain Shoes, F21 Oh! … Continue reading


I wish I was wearing pants right now. I dreamt about pants last night. I’m in the mood for pants, but I don’t think they look right on me. They’re also hard to buy for someone who yoyos as much as I do. Skirts, you can wear higher or lower and if there’s a free hip – even better! but pants always have to fit, just so. Pants. Continue reading Pants.