Birthday Celebrations, cont’d

this picture is now from a month ago. i am reasonably behind in my posts! dress, modcloth cardi, zellers headband, gift from awesome coworker shoes, h&m sweater guard, lady jane this was my first attempt at doing winged liner, and i loved it! look at how .. winged.. my eyes look! turns out i am a little bit obsessed by cosmetics these days. i went so far as to buy myself false eyelashes. they make such a big difference! now, though, i need to work on steadying my hands and eyelids,as both shake, and getting a good adhesive, as the … Continue reading Birthday Celebrations, cont’d

Living room, in progress

I am a bit behind in posting, I’ve been preoccupied with getting my house together, family things, work, sadness, and not! shopping! The house is coming along awesome, though: Pink lamps, Pink couch, & rug: ikea End tables, vintage tiger oak : my aunt’s makeshift (temporary) coffeeish table: ex-bf’s mom’s throw pillows: christmas gift from Lauren ‘Sabrina’ prints: ebay when I was 18 (still have to hang them, boo) curtains, zellers tv, birthday present from my friends last year tv stand, wal-mart, put together by my sister Looks great, doesn’t it? I’m so happy. Room by room, it’s becoming my … Continue reading Living room, in progress

Birthday Week Ends….

My birthday tends to be a week-long celebration, and I ended it with what was meant to be a big dinner with all my friends. A few cancellations later, it was a small dinner with my closest friends, and that’s maybe better. I hope 28 is a good year. If the start to it is any indication, it will be. Dress, H&M Shoes, Winners Cat Clutch, gift from Mina, TsuruBride Bracelet & Brooch, Lady Jane Birthday Roundup – KRISTALLER chandelier, photos from Vancouver, and an awesome BBQ dinner! – TsuruBride cat clutch, Doctor Who tee, a lavendar scented candle from … Continue reading Birthday Week Ends….

Happy Birthday, me!

This is what I wore for my immediate post-birthday celebration day! Mina, Lauren and I went for massages at Studio Bliss (so nice!) and lunch at Aux Vivres, did a spot of shopping and then Lauren and her lad grilled me up some meats and Mina made me a cake. Dress, H&M Cardi, Joe Fresh Necklace, Lady Jane Shoes, Spring Bag, Lady Jane Scarf, thrifted There was presents and dinner and wine and love. I scored some new drawer pulls for my kitchen (wooo! old!) and a book, a new-to-me skirt and all in all it was a lovely day. Continue reading Happy Birthday, me!