I forgot to do a proper photo, so here is me in action on the day.
Dress, H&M
Tank, Dex
Watch, Hello Kitty
Brooch, vintage, my grandma’s
Earrings, Joe Fresh
Hat, present from my mom, vintage (apparently from the 40s!)
My tips are pinkish, as you can see.
Christmas was awesome. I spent it with my best friend (above, Aaron) and my family, and it was super nice. I made the turkey (!!!) and my sister made the dinner (though Aaron made the potatoes)
It’s New Year’s Eve! I suppose I should do resolutions or some such, but I don’t really have anything in mind. I’d like to keep reading more, ideally less trash books – though I am totally picking up Dollhouse because WHAT – and more proper books about important stuff and junk. (Yep.) I’d like to keep not-biting my nails. I’d like to be more diligent about not eating gluten and lactose, because I feel so much better when I avoid them. I’d like to continue cooking at home, and shopping a reasonable amount. I guess that’s it.
Happy New Year!