
I absolutely love this skirt, still. I couldn’t find the belt I was searching for, and ended up with a fabric dealie which was okay, but not the one I wanted, and therefore disappointing. However, I still dig the shape.

Skirt, H&M
Blouse, Old Navy
Cardi, Jacob
Belt, from a different skirt
Necklace and Bracelet, Sarah Coventry via Lady Jane
Sweater Guard, also Lady Jane

In the evening, I went for dumplings, and got sauce all over my blouse. Despite it being tide penned and shouted and washed, the stains are there to stay. Bye, awesome Old Navy Blouse!

One thought on “LadyLike

  1. So here’s what I learned about stains … once they go through the washer, you’re stuck. I have the best success using a good bar soap and scrubbing with a soft nailbrush and lukewarm water. I try to get the stain out as much as possible before ever putting the garment in the washing machine. Hope that helps next time you have a dumpling mishap.

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