Closet Tour

A while back, I mentioned I have five closets in the new place. I’ve also been asked, on occasion, how I store my clothing and accessories. Well, this is it.

I have my shoes divided into boxed shoes and unboxed. A few years back, when I moved from NB back to Montreal, I purged all my boxes, thinking I would be better able to store them without. I was so wrong! But this closet shows the unboxed shoes, lined up. At the moment it goes from summer shoes in the front to boots at the back. I suppose I’ll have to switch this round come fall!

Also in the shoe closet, I keep my dresses. I have about 60 dresses I wear ‘regularly’, and another 15 or so which don’t fit, which I keep in storage. They’re not particularly well organized here, but I can find everything. I’ve also installed a pushlight because the lighting in the corridor isn’t fantastic.

On the door are some of my commonly worn scarves.

The rest of the closets are in my bedroom. This is my pants (6 pairs) and skirts (~50) closet, as well as my boxed shoes. In the boot boxes I keep my ballet flats and casual sandals. I should really work out a labelling system, because I’m sure I am forgetting what I have with this system.

Then, my shirt / cardi closet. I added a double rod to this one, since shirts are quite short, and there’s additional room on the side for my longer sweaters.

And finally, my drawers are filled with tights, socks, tanks and underoos. Look at the brightly coloured tights! I’m looking forward to fall so I can break them out again.

For my shiny baubles, I have two trees and a wallmounted dealiebob. It does help me see all the options,but I think I should get another tree or something to spread it out a little more. I’m starting to only pick from the top layer. I’d also like to separate gold, silver, and coloured tones, so that it is easier to match.

Mostly bracelets:


That’s it. My other closets are filled with things I don’t wear and coats. And boxes, loads of boxes.

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