Princess Dress

This dress still makes me feel like a princess. It’s fantastic. I love everything about it, every thing.

Dress, Cardigan, H&M
Shoes, Hibou
sweater guard, bracelet, Lady Jane

On this day, on my way to work, I took a tumble. There are stairs leading from Parc Avenue into the park, and I fell off my shoe, off the last step, and onto the pavement, skinning my knee. It was sort of fun, last time I skinned my knee I’m pretty sure I was eight years old. Embarrassing? Heck yes! But, now I have this cool scab. It still hurts like the dickens though. Which is to say, a lot.

Oh ALSO, as you can see, my couch came! and my chair thingie! and my stove! I am totally a grownup!

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