Pink & Black

I have way too many black skirts, and to justify keeping them all, I’m trying to wear them. This is a black skirt I got a few years ago. It’s lineny and therefore summery and has like airy panels to keep my bum cool. This is how I justify keeping it.

Skirt, Republique
Tank, H&M
Cardi, Joe Fresh
Necklace & Bracelet, Zellers
Earrings, H&M
Sandals, Impanema

The cats pictured are Vex (at feet) and Kisses (behind me). They’re handling the heat remarkably well. I’d think with fur coats they’d be just sitting down all the time and panting, but they run up and down the hallway, and play and such. It’s pretty neat.

I need to branch out and wear more of my shoes. I tend to wear these awesome sandals because they are the only ones I have that don’t give me blisters – which sounds like a good reason to wear them – but I have all these other shoes that if I just powered through a few days and suffered I bet could be comfortable. Maybe. Probably not. Le sigh.

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