January 2019 Recap

Somehow it’s already a) February b) 2019!

I don’t know how either of these things happened but I’m OK with it. So what did I do in January?

We started the year in NB with Mina & Don! We had an awesome time playing Catan, meeting their new (to us) bb Lupin, and staying indoors because Ice Storm!

Made it to Midnight!

Julien got a Vive for Christmas, so we did quite a bit of VR, including showing my nephew the ropes:

Move with the controllers, not with your feet.

I did a konmari cleanup of my closet, but ended up putting everything right back in because it ALL SPARKS JOY. This is okay according to the KonMari philosophy. Those petticoats? Make my tummy do flipflops. Two onesies? Make my heart sing! Keeping. Them.

It was a really useful exercise actually – I found a few outfits I would not have thought of otherwise and I really connected with each item while I was holding it and going “Joy?” I’m also pretty proud that I don’t seem to buy a lot that I don’t genuinely love!

Let’s see. I read ten books – befriend me on GoodReads! My favourite of the month was definitely The Handmaid’s Tale, and least favourite was Game of Scones. Cozy mysteries, they’re not for me.


We had a big ol’ snowstorm and could barely get the mini out of the alley.

And I did a boatload of cooking! Marmalade from The Preservation Society cookbook, Simple Ribollita from BA, were highlights.

Jar of sunshine. And sugar.

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