It’s amazing what a difference five months makes…

I was pleased as punch when I moved into this place, but it seems that was not meant to be…

We’ve lived in the apartment since July, and the summer was delightful – peaceful, pleasant, the neighbours upstairs listened to very loud music, but occasionally, and it wasn’t a big deal.

Then, in September, they replaced the doors. Started renovations on their place. Noise was constant – from 7AM til bedtime. Every day at 7:30, one of them straps cinder blocks to their feet and hurtles down the stairs, banging on the walls with a mallet at each step. Every Saturday morning at ten-thirty, Pink Floyd at top volume. Top. Volume.

We started having to leave the house. We’d get up, the music would start, and after about thirty minutes we’d try to figure out a way to escape. It was miserable, but at least we were getting out of the house, right?

Then, their renos required us to be home. We existed solely to serve. We needed to turn the water off, then on, then off again. Every ten minutes, a phone call. Every weekend.

Time passed, winter got cold – and our doors, replaced September 25, remained unfinished. It was cold, It froze the handles over:


They decided to sell the unit – we were relieved we’d not have to try to explain why we desperately wanted to leave. In January they gave us notice that they’d not renew the lease. We started looking for a house to buy – and found one. A wonderful house in Verdun. At the time they gave us notice, it was discussed that it would be no problem to call it quits early, it’d make it easier for them to sell – all very amiable.

We find the house, we put an offer, and all of a sudden – Gosh no! June 30th obviously.

Since then, we’ve had visits to show the unit (which they’ve now decided to rent, again, instead), five nights out of seven. I come home to people stacking their boots against my door. I cry every night. I have nightmares, every night.

We’ve heard him lie to prospective tenants. I don’t know what to do about that. It makes me uneasy, but we can tell from the way they don’t acknowledge us he’s told them we are the liars. 🙂

I am overcome with sadness. I am filled with rage. This is the single worst renting experience of my life.