Lash Card. This seems like a ridiculous idea, to me. Sure, occasionally I knock the brush, sure, but do I need a card to sit over my lashes to avoid getting mascara on my eyelid? If I really needed a barrier, wouldn’t I just use paper? I don’t, though, need a barrier.
Femme Couture Lightening Lash Mascara. Bringing the mascara count to six? Seven? I’ve been wearing the heck out of my Julep mascara, btw. It’s fantastic.
CyberDerm H2O Hydration & Every Morning Sun Whip. I’m a bit wary to try this. Either this one or the shampoo in my last bag gave my skin a serious rash. I’ll try it on my inner arm for a while and see if anything pops up again. Otherwise I really liked the scent and immediate feel of my skin last time.
Miss Jessie’s Baby Buttercreme. The name of this product is misleading. It’s apparently a hair product. Sounds like a body lotion, right?
And, finally…
Johnson’s Baby Oil. Apparently in anticipation of the special momma/mom-to-be box, but I am dead stoked about getting this. Baby Oil! It’s one of those products that you can use for everything but that I totally forget exists. Like baby shampoo, or vaseline. Makeup remover, awesome moisturizer, drops in the bath for super smooth skin, massages (Glymm, my neck thanks you!). Baby oil!
The lash card was interesting… I have yet to try it, but feel as though it will look ridiculous and I will be holding too many things when I do try it. It’s complicated enough to not stick yourself in the eye while making weird faces.