
I’m not coughing as much as I was previously! Hurray! To celebrate, I left the house.

Jumpsuit, F21
Tights, hue
Shoes, Spring
Earrings, Mina-made, wedding
Cardi, Joe Fresh

I must’ve lost weight in my holiday from working, because this jumpsuit has not fit in months. Months! I’m not complaining.

I went out with Mr Aaron and we talked nerd-things. It was really nice to leave the house, I tell you what.

In other nerd-news, I was looking at my site statistics this evening, and it looks like the good people of Germany (119) and Brazil (55) like me! Guten Tag, Germans! Ola, Brazillians! (Also shout out to the special New Brunswickians who visit something like three times a day (91 visits last month, and I know there are only two of you 😉 Love yous.)

Now that I am not so sick, not working is so nice, y’all. Today when I went out, I smiled at people on the street, and they smiled back, and it was like we were all people. Normally, I’m pretty sure I scowl and grump about. Not being stressed out is awesome.

So, what have I been up to? I made apple butter! This one, specifically. I don’t have a slow cooker so I used a pot, but it turned out divine. I’m eating it from a bowl right now.
I also went to the market:

I finished reading Day of the Triffids (bloody excellent), and started reading Gone Girl (follow me on GoodReads!).

I started knitting a scarf. It’s white.

Mostly, I spend the day tidying. I cannot believe how much effort it is to keep one four-and-a-half apartment with three cats and two grownups clean. You can’t even get through it in a day! I have to break it up! Ah, well. On my list of things to do this week is make pumpkin gnocchi, and possibly kimchi.

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