New America Dress!

For Canada Day, we went to America in search of a beach. We found it, eventually, but not before I bought two bathing suits at Change (they carry my size now! Bras that fit! Bathing suits with sufficient support! I love you, Change!) and two dresses at Target. The one below, and this one, which I’ve yet to wear.

Dress, Target
Cardi, F21
Sweater Guard, Trove
Watch, bf’s G-Shock
Sandals, Ipanema by Gisele

You may also notice I banged my legs up pretty good – not only that, I scraped my two big toes. I took a tumble off the sidewalk on our way to catch the fireworks for C-Day. I fell all the way down, like I do, and scraped me up some good. On my non-skinned-knee leg, there are also some scratches, from Vex doing acrobatics and trying to use my leg as a support. My kitties, I love them.

It hurts like the dickens and I still can’t bend my knee all fully, but it’s healing. I skin my knees like twice a year. At the time, though, it was the END OF THE WORLD. I may or may not have been really angry when Julie asked if I was okay. Like, “No, I’m doing wonderfully, all laid out on the ground.” (Aside: this image is better than the original, because teeth.)

Caption: This way is up.

Also, look how great the boxflowerthing is doing! It’s winding itself upward and I think that’s nifty. I was actually asking if it was winding when this photo was taken. It wasn’t meant to be a thing, but here it is.

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