Coming soon….

Mina and I are going to do her challenges jointly! So I need to find…

Classic, Pretty, Polish

Polka dots! (dress? skirt? something else?)
Fitted white blouse
Classic black heels
Structured bag
Bright matte lipstick
One “piece” of jewelry:
– A glamorous watch?
– A great cocktail ring?
– A collection of fab bracelets?

Also, I went on a mini-break to Boston!

I’ll update with my pictures and trip stuff this week! But let it be known that I put my FEET in that there OCEAN, and it was bloody cold.

4 thoughts on “Coming soon….

  1. The photo of your feet by the ocean is amazing!!! LOVE the vibrant pop of color of your tights with the nature-y surroundings. You must frame this. It is fantastic.

  2. Can I join in on challenge? I need to be challenged. (Well, not much challenged, as I believe I already own many of these things). All the same…

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