Well, it’s April 23rd and Glymm is the only box I’ve received so far this month, so rather than do one round-up post, I’ll make separate entries this time.
mai couture social gloss in g’vinity: The colour is strange to look at in the tube, sort of a shimmery greige, but on, it looks alright on my lips. There is a heavy vanilla scent and it’s only a little bit sticky.
atelier cologne in orange sanguine: Smells nice. I prefer perfume samples with a spritz to the kind you have to open and dab, because invariably the open ones explode all over my hands.
free your mane sulfate free hydrating shampoo & conditioner : Quite harsh on my recently-coloured hair! Stripped the pink quite a lot. Smells industrially, not a huge fan. The sample size here was ridiculously small – two washings, and I have thin hair.
lucia guest soap in no. 1 linseed & goat milk: I actually really liked this soap. It left me feeling clean and not too dry, which barsoaps usually do. The smell was of old people (goat milk, I guess).
$100 toward nume hair extensions and styling tools: I used the gift certificate, because I’ve been wanting to get a straightener anyway. I hope the quality is okay.
Other Glymm Reviews for the month show identical items and basically the same overall feeling: this wasn’t the best box, and if they keep being crappy I will probably not keep getting this one.
Glymm is $10/month, and if you’re interested you can sign up here.
Sent you an e-mail earlier on this. Just thought to check here, and boom! You did get Glymm this month! I think we got the same thing, minus the soap. I got No. 6 (ginger and fig?). Smells more floral than anything though. Which straightener did you end up getting? I was looking at those curling wands… but I dunno if I should… Let me know what you think of your new straightener when you get it! : )
One size up from the mini, the Vintage, or Petite, I believe? I figured I don’t have very much hair to begin with, so I don’t need a heavy-duty.
The more I wear the Orange perfume the more I like it – smells very very clean.