
This is actually a strapless dress with a sweater over it. I have a hard time with strapless dresses, but I love them to bits. When I find a way to wear them, even covered up, it pleases me.

Dress, gift from my sister
Sweater (under), F21
Sweater (over), Wal-Mart
Leggings, American Apparel
Brooch, Maskarad

The weather was impossibly warm for a bit, reaching over 25 degrees! We’re back now into ‘normal’ temperatures, hovering at or below zero. The tiny taste of summer was enough for me to WANT SUMMER and summer dresses and sandals and bright colours, oh my! SOON.

2 thoughts on “printed.

  1. Very cute dress! My eye was instantly attracted to your green brooch. Great add!

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