wear: Wednesday

Sorry for being behind, this lack-of-internet thing is messing my stuff up. Also, it’s been a super busy week! My bestest non-here buds are in from New Brunswick (Hi guys!) and so last night we went out and got our bowl / pool on, and it was delightful and I miss them so so much. Wednesday, though, is where I’m at in the cataloguing. Wedesnday, I didn’t actually do much. I worked until 9:30, then went home and hung out with the cats, and read a book in bed. Doesn’t that sound great!? I should do that more often. I … Continue reading wear: Wednesday

wear: Tuesday

Back to work today. Due to second-Christmas I was a bit tired today, so between the second and third snooze hits, I told myself to dream of what to wear, and my dream told me this. I haven’t worn this dress here yet, so it works. Dress, F21 Belt, Ardene Leggings, American Apparel Boots, Payless Necklace, gift from Lauren, suuuper pretty Contacts, because I didn’t take them out last night I’m not ready to go back to work. Just one more week, please? Also, I stopped at Aaron’s on my way home from TRON: Legacy tonight just to update because … Continue reading wear: Tuesday

wear: second Christmas, pt 2

Friend Christmas was absolutely delightful. I love love love my friends so much. I was filled with wine, and gluten free pasta, and gluten free crackers, and cherries, and .. food. And there were presents! I love presents. I wore my headpiece again, as well as the outfit I deemed too ott for family Christmas. I’m told I looked a bit like a can-can / saloon girl. Apologies for the colouring of the second shot, my dad’s camera tints things blue for some reason, and mine ran out of juice. Headpiece, Dress, H&M Corset, F21 Capelet, handmade Earrings & bracelet, … Continue reading wear: second Christmas, pt 2

wear: Christmas2, part1

I have my friend Christmas tonight, and I have an outfit planned that I love. During the day, today, I went out briefly to get some last-minute gifties and to meet Laur for lunch. Days off are NICE. I should get more. The rest of the day I will spend lazing about, fiddling with my hair and face, putting away groceries. Dress, Simon’s (too short to wear as a dress on its own, booo) Leggings, American Apparel Boots, Payless (warm enough to not wear sorels yay!) Continue reading wear: Christmas2, part1

wear: New Years Day-eve

I didn’t go out on NYE. I had planned to, but the day came and I thought lounging about in my jimmy-jams sounded like a better idea. So I did. I also didn’t make any resolutions. I seldom stick to them, so I didn’t want to disappoint myself next year. On New Year’s Day, in the evening, Aaron dragged me out of the house to watch Law and Order and snack. Today, I’m wearing the same thing, only without the sweater. Jeans, MIKK, Les Ailes de la Mode Tee, Joe Fresh Sweater, gift from my sister Ring, Lady Jane I … Continue reading wear: New Years Day-eve

wear: Thursday

Wednesday night, I watched a lot of Glee. I love Emma Pillsbury to death, and in Brittany / Britney, I noticed she clipped her sweater guards to her collar instead of her cardi! I don’t have too many collared shirts, and I never button things to the neck, because I think it makes me look shorter (Why? I don’t know), but I gave it a go, and I think it’s adorable. I also got a chance to wear the new ring I picked up from MJ on Wednesday! Cardi & Skirt, H&M Blouse, thrifted, vintage Simon Chang Sweater guard & … Continue reading wear: Thursday

wear: Wednesday

I’ve been internetless this week, so there’s been a lack of posts, apologies. Wednesday I met the lovely Mary Jane and scored some delightful new goodies, which I’ve already worn. In keeping with my jammies-only comfiness, I wore layers of light cotton and stretchy jersey. Dress, H&M Jacket, F21 Scarf, Urban Outfitters Tights, Zellers, Socks, gift from my sister Boots, Sorel Headband, Ardene Continue reading wear: Wednesday

wear: Tuesday

Three day work week! I’m going all cozy all the time this week and wearing only things that feel like jammies. It’s the holidays. I got SOCKS for Christmas, lots of socks! It’s pretty great. This dress I wanted to buy for a really long time before I eventually did, at the time I didn’t like wearing dresses because I thought them difficult. Now, it’s basically my entire wardrobe. I’m glad I eventually bought it. It feels like a nightdress. I think that makes me hesitant to wear it too often, it might appear a bit ‘too’ comfortable (to the … Continue reading wear: Tuesday

I’m cleaning off my camera, and came across a few pictures I took last year, when I was apparently much much much thinner. Some of these outfits are great. Also, my hair? Adorbz. Wearing: Banana Republic dress, F21 striped sweater and purple turtleneck from my sister, Urban Outfitters skinny jeans, Les Ailes de la Mode dress, GAP hoodie, Les Ailes leggings, Gift black tee, Reitmans jeans, Reitmans two-in-one top, and pull-on pants, Aubainerie blouse, unknown red belt, H&M skirt, Simon’s red tights, thrifted snakeskin heels, Blackberry ( :((!), Awesome face, bedhair, faux fur stole thing worn yesterday, same black gifted … Continue reading