wear: Sunday

Sunday I had breakfast with Aaron, then tinkered around in my closet, sorting out items and trying to put things away (mostly failing, need more storage). In the evening I went to Aaron’s again and watched him play Half Life 2, while updating my bloggy wog (this! I’m doing it now!) and obsessively hitting refresh on Facebook. Jeans, Old Navy Sweater, F21 Necklace (LOVE), Ardene Infinity scarf, Manteau Manteaux Continue reading wear: Sunday

wear: Saturday

Saturdays are lovely, aren’t they? It was my good friend’s birthday and we went out to a niceish pan-asian restaurant in LaSalle, Kyomi. The website makes the place look crapper than it really is. I had the Paradise (chef’s choice sushi) and the “Romeo et Juliet” for dessert, but didn’t want to know what it was before I got it. Adventure! It was very good, but I won’t spoil it for anyone who wants to try something that they don’t know what it is. I wore: Cardigan, thrifted Blouse, Old Navy Skirt, thrifted Fishnets, DIMM Boots, mentioned yesterday, last year’s … Continue reading wear: Saturday

wear: Thursday

This outfit is entirely inspired by Tania. I woke up and stumbled around my closet-room, looking for something to wear that was clean and presentable, and came upon this dress that I have worn maybe once before. I couldn’t figure what to wear it with and thought of WANWW, always belting and cardiganning. It looks superb. Dress, H&M Cardi, Jacob Belt, Thrifted Necklace, Lady Jane Continue reading wear: Thursday

wear: Monday

I’m apparently all in the mood for jeans and t-shirts lately – fussy frills and pouffy skirts make me happiest, but there’s something about schlubby jeans and comfy tees that is so alluring. This Monday morning I hit snooze just once, so that I could arrive at work at my newly mandated “before nine am on mondays” time (Poo-poo on that, I tells you), and wanted just to feel like it was still sort of the weekend. Jeans it is. These jeans seem to be fitting better. Not sure what that’s about. Jeans, Old Navy Tee, shirt.woot Cardi, wal-mart Boots, … Continue reading wear: Monday

wear: Friday / Sunday

Friday at work I wore this tank and pants, with a plaid brown and blue dinner jacket. I forgot my camera at work, so there are no photos of this. Sunday, I swapped the jacket for this cozy cardi, and played with my amazingly delightful and super smart nephew, enjoyed the single greatest breakfast I have ever, ever had (at the Burgundy Lion – the full monty), a delicious steak dinner with my Pops, and baked cookies for the Fellow. Weekends? AWESOME. Pants, Jacob Cardi, Jacob Tank, my sister’s Continue reading wear: Friday / Sunday

wear: Wednesday

Wednesday! I went to the Warrior Emperor exhibit at the museum with Laury and her fellow and my fellow, and it was nice. Museums are so much not my thing but this was definitely the most interesting exhibit I’ve been to. The terra cotta warriors were less interesting than the interior fixtures (building supports, drainage pipes), in my opinion. It was nifty, though. You should go. Dress, TJ Maxx Tights, Zellers? Cardi, F21 Boots, Sorel Necklace, F21 Continue reading wear: Wednesday